Haitians around the world celebrate Haitian Flag Day on May 18th, expressing their pride and honoring the forefathers of the nation.
The flag is a symbol of patriotism and nationalism and was a beacon of hope in Haiti during the colonial era. This day represents liberation and embodies the cultural heritage and resilience of the Haitian people as they reclaimed their land from the hand of oppressors.
The Haitian flag was approved on May 18, 1803, on the final day of the Arcahaie Congress. The convention resulted in two significant outcomes, the foundation of a united leadership of the revolutionary army under the supreme authority of Jean-Jacques Dessalines and the indigenous adoption of a flag.
The flag has been modified multiple times over the years. In 1804, the bands became vertical. A red and black variant has also been used on a few occasions. The present flag was approved on February 17, 1986, following Jean-Claude Duvalier’s resignation, and was reaffirmed a year later with the official approval of the March 29, 1987, constitution.
